Meets Tuesdays from 9-10 in 46/2003 and Fridays from 1-3 in 65/1175 (and from Week 7 onward there will be an extra meeting for presentations on Tuesdays from 1-2 in 65/1133)
For each week, the readings divide into required and optional further readings. I include the optional readings just in case you find the topic especially interesting or would like to do a presentation on it. You are not expected to read them.
Many required readings are in Arguing about Political Philosophy (ed. M. Zwolinski), which I recommend buying.
Many supplementary readings are in in Jean Hampton's Political Philosophy and Jonathan Wolff's An Introduction to Political Philosophy and which I also recommendbuying.
Part 1: The State of Nature and the Social Contract
Week 1 – Hobbes
Required Hobbes, T. Leviathan, Chs. 13-15, 17-18 (Note that these chapters are short and more like sections.)
Optional Further Reading Cohen, G. A. "Hobbes" in Lectures on the History of Moral and Political Philosophy Duncan, S. "Hobbes." WEB Hampton, J. PP, selection from Ch. 2 Lloyd, S. and Sreedhar, S. "Hobbes's Moral and Political Philosophy." WEB Wolff, J. IPP, selections from Ch. 1
Week 2 – Locke
Required Locke, J. Second Treatise on Government, Chs.2-3, 8-9 (Note that these chapters are short.)
Hume, D. "Of the Original Contract"
Optional Further Reading Cohen, G. A. "Locke on Property and Political Obligation" Cohen, G. A. "Hume's Critique of Locke on Contract" Gilbert, M. "Reconsidering the "Actual Contract" Theory of Political Obligation" Hampton, J. PP, selection from Ch.2 Tuckness, A. "Locke's Political Philosophy" WEB Wolff, J. IPP, selection from Ch. 1
Week 3 – Rousseau
Required Rousseau, J. The Social Contract, selections
Optional Further Reading Berlin, I. "Rousseau" in Freedom and its Betrayal. Bertram, C. "Jean-Jacques Rousseau" WEB Peter, F. "Political Legitimacy" WEB Rawls, J. Lectures on Rousseau in Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy Rousseau, J. Discourse on the Origins of Inequality, selections Sreenivasan, G. "What Is the General Will?" Wolff, J. IPP, selections from Chs.1 and 3
Part 2: Anarchism
Week 4– Defenses of Anarchism
Required Simmons, A. J. "Philosophical Anarchism"
Optional Further Reading Bakunin, M. "The Paris Commune and the Idea of the State" Kropotkin, P. "Anarchist Communism: Its Basis and Principles" Wolff, J. IPP, selection from Ch.1 Wolff, R. Selection from In Defense of Anarchism
Part 3: Utilitarianism as Political Philosophy
Week 5 – Mill
Required Mill, J. S. Selections from Utilitarianism and On Liberty
Optional Further Reading Brink, D. "Mill's Moral and Political Philosophy" WEB Hooker, B. "Rule Consequentialism" WEB Lyons, D. "Mill's Theory of Justice" in Rights, Welfare, and Mill's Moral Theory Rawls, J. Selection from A Theory of Justice on utilitarianism Rawls, J. Lectures on Mill in Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy Sinnott-Armstrong, W. "Consequentialism" WEB Urmson, J. O. "The Interpretation of the Moral Philosophy of J. S. Mill"
Week 6 = Consultation Week. NO CLASSES OR PRESENTATIONS.
Part 4: Justice
Weeks 7-8– Rawls
Required Rawls, J. Selections from A Theory of Justice
Optional Further Reading Cohen, G. A. "Rescuing Justice from Constructivism and Equality from the Basic Structure Restriction" Hampton, J. PP, Ch. 4 Freeman, S. "Original Position." WEB Mills, C. "Rawls on Race/Race in Rawls" Okin, S. Selection from Justice, Gender and the Family Sandel, M. "The Procedural Republic and the Unencumbered Self" Wenar, L. "John Rawls." WEB Wolff, J. IPP, Ch.5
Part 5: Libertarianism and Liberty
Weeks 9-10– Nozick
Required Nozick, R. Anarchy, State and Utopia, Selections
Optional Further Reading Cohen, G. A. "Robert Nozick and Wilt Chamberlain: How Patterns Preserve Equality" Locke, J. Second Treatise on Government, Ch.5 Nagel, T. "Libertarianism without Foundations" Otsuka, M. "Self-Ownership and Equality: A Lockean Reconciliation" Vallentyne, P. and van der Vossen, B. "Libertarianism" WEB Zwolinski, M. "Libertarianism" WEB
Part 6: Equality
Week 11-12– Understanding the Value of Equality
Required Anderson, E. "What Is the Point of Equality?" Parfit, D. "Equality and Priority"
Optional Further Reading Arneson, R. "Egalitarianism" WEB Arneson, R. "Equality and Equal Opportunity for Welfare" Cohen, G. A. "On the Currency of Egalitarian Justice" Cohen, G. A. "Equality of What? On Welfare, Goods, and Capabilities" Favor, J. and Lamont, C. “Distributive Justice” WEB Nagel, T. "Equality" Temkin, L. “Equality, Priority, and the Levelling Down Objection” Temkin, L. “Inequality” Williams, B. "The Idea of Equality"